Awardee Name: RIVERTECH, LLC
Unique Entity ID: P8P1LNPBERT1
Total Contract Value: $16,298,404.46
Action Obligation: $2,842,738.18
Department Name: DEPT OF DEFENSE
Funding Office:
Description: contractor shall provide a-as services and expertise supporting pm, planning and technical consulting for 9af (afcent)/fp program to meet existing and future contingency requirements. includes 9af (afcent) deployment locations and subordinate units.
Number of Bidders: 6
Award ID: FA489024F0048
Referenced IDV ID: 47QRAD20D8142
Contract Vehicle: GSA OASIS 8(a)
Set Aside Used: 8A Competed
OS AI Note: For security reasons, DOD delays the release of awa¬¬rds decision¬ details for up to 90 days. These awards may have been announced publicly, formally or informally, but this award data has just recently been released. We capture and share here for your benefit, but do note that other actions related to any award announcement (stop work order, protest, cancellation, etc) may have taken place since the initial award decision was recorded.
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