CMS awards Web Experience and Content Management Services (WECMS) contract extension pending corrective action to successor contract

Contract Award Date: Feb 28, 2020

Contract Award Number: GS-35F-337BA

Task/Delivery Order Number: 75FCMC20F0025

Modification Number: P00013

The current period of performance scheduled to conclude on November 15, 2023. The agency’s original intent was to award a follow-on Task Order using competitive procedures for Federal Supply Schedule orders. The follow -on Task Order was awarded on August 31, 2023 to Bellese Technologies, LLC. On September 11, 2023 the agency received two (2) Government Accountability Office (GAO) level protests from unsuccessful offerors for the follow-on contract. The HHS Office of General Counsel (OGC) determined both protests were timely and accordingly recommended the Contracting Officer (CO) issue a stop work order to Bellese Technologies, LLC for the follow-on Task Order. The Stop work Order was issued on September 12, 2023. As a result of the GAO protests, work under the current WECMS task order must continue.

As the current contract holder, CivicActions is the only contractor that can perform the work during the open enrollment period without significant risk of unsatisfactory or incomplete performance. CivicActions has earned at least a satisfactory (or better) in all areas and evaluation periods for the subject Task Order in the Contractor Performance and Rating System (CPARS). There is no reasonable expectation that any other source of the needed services would ever be considered a better value than the incumbent because of the unacceptable risk noted above. Additionally, the agency would seek to avoid the additional cost from the potential need to transition services twice; once from the incumbent and a second time to the winner of the fair opportunity award under protest…

The agency conducted market research in anticipation of awarding the follow-on Task Order discussed above. CMS determined that sixteen (16) small businesses were capable of which seven (7) were interested, all of which were GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) holders of 54151S, The Information Technology Professional Services Special Item Number (SIN). While the award decision is under GAO level protest, CMS intends to make a fair opportunity award to the follow-on Task Order in accordance with the Voluntary Corrective Action plan. While market research demonstrates multiple firms are capable of performing the work as stated in the Statement of Objectives (SOO), no other contractor can stand up support in a timely manner without imposing undue risk to CMS since CivicActions is the only firm currently performing the work…

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