CISA COCO Industry Day: NRMC Homeland Security Risk Planning and Analysis Mission Support

Notice ID: FY24NRMC

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Chief of Contracting Office (COCO) will host an Industry Day virtually via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday, January 24, 2024.

The time of the event and registration information will be posted soon.

The purpose of the event is to provide Industry an overview of the National Risk Management Center (NRMC) Homeland Security Risk Planning and Analysis Mission Support requirement.  We will provide a description of the draft Performance Work Statement (PWS) and will request Industry feedback and recommendations.

There will also be an opportunity for a question-and-answer period at the end of the presentation.


CISA’s mission is to lead the national effort to protect and enhance the resilience of the nation’s physical and cyber infrastructure.  The NRMC supports CISA’s cybersecurity and infrastructure security mission by identifying, assessing, and prioritizing strategic risks to national critical functions and collaborating on the development of strategies and approaches to manage risks to critical functions.

In performance of this mission, the NRMC is leading a crosscutting risk management effort between the private sector and government to improve the defense of our nation’s critical infrastructure.  It provides a single point of access where government and the private sector can collaborate across sectors to develop plans and solutions for reducing cyber and other systemic risks to national and economic security.

More here.


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