Building resilient businesses in IT: Insights from Olivia Trivisani Bowker

In this episode of The Peel Podcast, Shelley McGuire speaks with Olivia Trivisani Bowker, founder and CEO of Amivero, about her journey, values, and insights as a business owner in the federal IT space. She discusses emerging technology trends in the federal sector, such as AI and data management, and the unique human-centered approach Amivero brings to its projects. 

Topics Covered:

  • The influence of AI, data, and infrastructure needs in federal IT
  • Importance of communication and human connection in technology requirements
  • Leveraging networking to build business and grow in the government contracting industry
  • Advice for entrepreneurs on confidence, resilience, and making meaningful connections


Connect with Olivia by visiting her LinkedIn page here.
Learn more about Amivero by visiting their website here.


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