Army RFI: Unified Network Operations (UNO) for PEO C3T / PM I2S / PdM TCNO

Notice ID W15P7T-24-UNORFI

The Program Executive Office, Command, Control and Communications Tactical (PEO C3T), Product Manager, Tactical Cyber and Network Operations (PdM TCNO) and Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC APG) are issuing this Request for Information (RFI) as a means of conducting market research to identify parties having an interest in and the resources to support the requirement for the Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) capable Army of tomorrow must have a Unified Network that enables our Army, as part of the Joint/Coalition Force, to integrate and operate simultaneously and seamlessly in all domains, all environments, across all geographies, and all warfighting functions and enables the Army to calibrate a force posture and converge capabilities at the point of need (right place/right time). The conflicts of tomorrow will be non-linear and contested at all echelons and on a global scale with the homeland no longer a sanctuary free from adversary kinetic or non-kinetic attacks. As part of the network modernization plan, the Army is unifying its tactical and enterprise networks. This unified network will provide a seamless, integrated network management capability to simplify user experience, increase situational awareness, and strengthen cyber network defense. Under a unified network, communication officers (S6/G6) from the tactical edge through corps level will have fewer network management and monitoring applications and tools to manage, enhancing their ability to plan, configure, manage, monitor, and secure/defend the network.

The goal of the DODINOPS framework is to synchronize and create a seamless end-to-end Unified Network, connecting enterprise and tactical echelons to support all warfighting functions. Unified Network Operations (UNO) is a critical component of this construct, providing a suite of DODINOPS software (SW) applications that are interoperable, standards-based, and shared between the Integrated Enterprise Network (IEN) and Integrated Tactical Network (ITN). The overarching objective is to standardize DODINOPS tools, enhance simplicity, bridge critical gaps, and ensure affordability and agility in the face of emerging threats.

UNO’s capabilities encompass DODINOPS functions (install, operate, maintain, protect, planning, reconfigure, extend, secure, and sustain) and design, modeling & simulation for the UN. UNO seamlessly integrates data generated or used by these capabilities across strategic and tactical operational echelons. UNO ensures network availability and maneuverability within the cyber domain, supporting Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) and Joint All-Domain Operations (JADO). UNO employs a common suite of SW, applying Zero-Trust principles, and integrates the Common Operating Environment (COEs), Common Services Infrastructure, and Common Transport Layer to transform isolated networks into a unified Army DODIN. UNO’s design and implementation reduces technical complexity at the edge, harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies to streamline operational tasks and provide adaptable capabilities at different echelons.

The Product Manager, Tactical Cyber Network Operations (PdM, TCNO), is the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) responsible for building the UNO capabilities to create seamless end-to-end DODINOPS from IEN to ITN, in support of warfighting functions. UNO is the linchpin of the UN, providing shared DODINOPS tools that simplify operations, fill critical gaps, and ensure an affordable and agile profile to address emerging threats and operational needs. UNO empowers soldiers to (install, operate, maintain, protect, planning, reconfigure, extend, secure, and sustain) the UN.

In accordance with (IAW) 10 US Code 4022, the Government may use a competitive multi-step non-Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)-based Other Transaction Authority (OTA) with multiple vendor down-selects. There is a potential for a follow-on production effort to deliver and deploy initial UNO capabilities. Initial capabilities will include a Simplified User Interface (SUI) that enables access to integrated Lower Tier Tactical (LTT) and Upper Tier Tactical (UTT) capabilities. A Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) must be leveraged to ensure these capabilities are modular and severable components that are not subject to vendor lock and must leverage open industry standards. The overall intent of the SUI is for human operators to interact with the single-user interface for all network operations tasks, with the interface providing a unified, consistent look and feel for the Soldier. The user interface then directly interacts with the other components of the UNO capability, using each tool’s native interface and data. The user interface should have the ability to display the current common operating picture for both Upper Tactical Internet (UTI) and Lower Tactical Internet (LTI) including:

  1. Automating workflows
  2. Fetching, displaying, and posting data in the database
  3. Prompting the user with contextual help

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