Army RFI: Improvement of Army Working Capital Fund (AWCF) Organizational and Staff Job Performance and Decision Making

Notice ID:  SP-HRS-691998

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is considering issuance of a single award Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) or Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract to satisfy the Government’s needs for services within the scope described in the draft PWS attached.

The Headquarters Army Materiel Command (HQ AMC) Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Management (DCSRM) (G8) and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, (G-3) have the continuing requirement for timely and accurate budget and execution decision support information from an array of Government systems. Existing Government systems provide some information, but there is a need to integrate data across systems. HQ AMC requires this information for use in Army Working Capital Fund (AWCF) budgeting and execution activities.  HQ AMC requires coaching to support the development of process, tools, and visualizations to support budget and execution processes for AWCF related activities with associated training to equip its workforce with a thorough understanding of AWCF concepts and practices.

The primary enterprise systems involved in this integration effort are the Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) and Global Combat Support System – Army (GCSS-Army). The deployment of Enterprise Business System-Convergence (EBS-C) will converge these systems.  Other data systems include the Army Master Data File (AMDF) and the Federal Logistics Information System (FEDLOG) and Army Enterprise System Integration Program (AESIP) Hub. Current tools include the Working Capital Fund-Budget Preparation System (WCF-BPS), Break Even Analysis (BEA), U.S. Army Price and Credit Table (APACT), the AMC Predictive Analytical Suite (APAS), ADVANA, and Vantage.

The purpose of the work defined in this PWS is to improve the ability of Army and DoD personnel to understand, interpret, and apply Army Working Capital Fund (AWCF) principles, processes, and rules for accurate, effective, and efficient conduct of Army Materiel Command (AMC) and Army Budget Office (ABO) budgeting and execution activities. This improved performance shall be accomplished through:

  • The design, development, and implementation of user-centric, integrated financial and logistical processes, tools, and visualizations to improve AWCF budgeting performance and decision making for budgeting and execution.
    • Extraction of financial and logistics data from Army and Department of Defense (DoD) databases and information management systems.
    • Integration of these data across systems to merge logistics, financial and policy information into coherent functionally correct information displays and reports to support the AWCF budgeting and execution activities.
    • Analyses and visualizations to support budget and execution decision making.
  • The development and delivery of effective training programs for appropriate AWCF stakeholder groups.
    • Training development and delivery programs developed under this task order shall adhere to instructional systems design best principles and practices.
    • Training must also remain current with revisions or updates to AWCF policies or procedures during the period of performance of this task order may require the development of one or more new training programs.
  • The conduct of targeted coaching and mentoring interventions to Army activities impacting AWCF operations to include logistics and financial operations.
    • Individual coaching and mentoring interventions shall be conducted by the Contractor on a selective basis as directed by the Army Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR).
    • These interventions shall be designed to improve the knowledge and/or skills of these Army personnel regarding AWCF policies, processes, or rules in pursuit of directed outcomes.

The Period of Performance (POP) shall be for one twelve-month Base Period and four twelve-month option periods

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