Army Draft RFP: Cost Analysis Services (CAS) IDIQ

Notice ID: W912CH-24-R-0172_SYNOPSIS

Related Notice ID: W912CH-24-R-0172

This is a DRAFT Request for Proposal (RFP) for a non-personal services contract to provide Cost Analysis Support (CAS) for the Program Executive Office Combat Support & Combat Service Support (PEO CS & CSS), and Program Executive Office Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS). CAS services encompass the areas of cost, economic, and technical analysis of major weapon system programs of the Department of the Army (DA) and United States Marine Corps (USMC) within the Department of Defense (DoD). Services will consist of cost, economic, and technical analysis for combat weapon systems, combat support and combat service support systems, information management systems, as well as associated acquisition and financial management reporting.

The Contractor shall perform cost analysis and/or On-Site support under this PWS.  The Contractor will develop and deliver high quality plans, presentation materials and briefings, as required to support task orders, meetings and reviews IAW CDRL A003.  Task Orders can include individual efforts, or combinations of efforts, from the following task areas of cost analysis products and services that the Contractor will develop and provide

Task Area 1: Life Cycle Cost Estimates

Task Area 2: Specialized Cost Estimates and Data Analysis Techniques

Task Area 3: Cost and/or Benefit Comparisons

Task Area 4: Contractor Performance Analysis

Task Area 5: Programmatic Support to PMs/PEOs and Headquarters Elements

Task Area 6: Knowledge Management

Task Area 1 Life Cycle Cost Estimates A complete, detailed, and fully documented material system life cycle cost estimate updated to support the Defense Acquisition System, Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) system. It estimates the systems life cycle cost, from cradle to grave. This includes all Research and Development, Procurement, Acquisition Operations and Maintenance, Military Construction, Operations and Support, and Disposal elements. Reference: Army Cost Analysis Manual, March 2020 and associated 13 Mar 2020 Implementation Memorandum. Cost elements included in the life cycle cost estimate…

Defense Acquisition System Cost Estimates

The Defense Acquisition Systems processes require Life Cycle Cost Estimates (LCCE) to inform programmatic decisions and assess program performance.  The LCCE is a document that includes costs incurred during the total life (from project initiation through termination) of a system or aggregation of systems. This includes all Research and Development, Procurement, Acquisition Operations and Maintenance, Military Construction, Operations and Support, and Disposal elements. Depending on the acquisition program, the purpose of the estimate and the office completing the estimate the LCCE may have a different title.  Examples of types of LCCEs include, but are not limited to: Program Office Estimate, Independent Cost Estimate, Component Cost Estimate (CCE), Army Cost Position, and Army Cost Estimate. Reference: Army Cost Analysis Manual, March 2020 and associated 13 Mar 2020 Implementation Memorandum. Cost elements included in the life cycle cost estimate are …

Cost Informed Requirements Development

Requirements documents must identify the overall resources associated with pursuing the capability solution, including materiel and nonmaterial costs over its projected lifecycle, and to ensure those resources are planned to be available for successful execution of the program. To support the requirements approval, process a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) or Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) may be required. A CBA is a structured methodology that determines the costs and benefits of one or more alternatives and compares them in order to identify the best alternative to achieve a stated goal/objective. An AoA provides a systematic and unbiased comparative analysis of operational effectiveness, costs, affordability and risks of potential alternatives …

The FFP IDIQ contract will consist of five one-year ordering periods and a six-month option under FAR 52.217-8 to extend the final ordering period, if required, with a minimum guaranteed value of $150,000 and a maximum ordering value to be determined prior to award of the contract.

Read more here.


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