Army Draft RFP: Accessions Information Environment (AIE)



AIE is currently leveraging the Salesforce IL 4 platform and has executed software previews for a limited subset of users across the Army recruiting enterprise. The questions below seek industry feedback to support an upcoming RFP release, which intends to solicit for the continued development and expansion of AIE capabilities.

1.2.2 Program Objectives AIE’s overarching objective is to provide accessions and recruiting capabilities (see Attach01-AIE-RTM.pdf) to the end user in an incremental manner via MVPs and MVCRs while holistically addressing the foundations of the solution architecture, design, data, interfaces, and system security; and leveraging industry’s agile best practices through continuous integration and continuous development (CI/CD) for software development and software delivery while meeting the highest standards of cybersecurity readiness in an environment of continuous and unpredictable change. AIE Task Order 1 PWS – CUI April 8, 2024 2 MVPs are utilized to assess the effectiveness of functionality, with the assumption that requirements and user needs are best understood through hands-on discovery. It is the Army’s desire that development planning be aligned with the requirement prioritization per the AIE RTM and that the requirements associated with each MVP and MVCR be identified in the product roadmap. The Government recognizes that an MVP and/or MVCR definition may evolve within the product roadmap as user needs become better understood. The RTM serves as a starting point to create relevant epics, features, user stories, and acceptance criteria with enough detail for configuration and development. The Contractor shall work closely with the Government Product Owner to ensure that the Product Backlog, stored in JIRA or other Agile tracking tool, is continually and regularly maintained in alignment with the Agile cadence so that the necessary Release and Sprint Backlog items (epics and user stories) are defined with acceptance criteria and prioritized by the Government Product Owner prior to the start of each release and sprint. The Contractor shall prioritize development in accordance with the Program Backlog aligned to Government priorities. AIE’s primary technical objective is to employ modern technology that enables solutions for the recruiting and accessioning workforce and commanders at multiple echelons across the breadth and depth of the Accessions Enterprise. It will collect, store, secure, and allow role-based access to sensitive data, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI). AIE will provide timely access for studies, analyses, reporting, and decision support.

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