Air Force Source Sought: SAF/FME Workforce Development and Executive Support

Notice ID: SAFFMEWorkforcedev

1.1.1 Scope. The objective of the requirement is to achieve a more efficient organization by leveraging continuous process improvements and innovation that focuses on developing and executing the workforce strategy of recruiting and retaining top talent; building a high-performing team working together providing outstanding services; creating digital solutions to manual processes, and tools to best support FM workforce enterprise.

1.2 Background.  The SAF/FM Workforce Management and Executive Services Directorate (SAF/FME) is responsible for a wide range of strategic, operational and tactical level workforce management/development, and executive support functions in support of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller). SAF/FME’s mission is to deliver first rate customer service, putting people first, through efficient & effective use of resources & personnel. SAF/FME does this through strategic planning, human capital management, force development and financial career field management across the enterprise, which includes establishment and maintenance of workforce career planning, management oversight and sustainment of DoD FM Certification program, and functional HR health. SAF/FME is responsible for management of enterprise-wide strategic workforce initiatives in supporting ~13K civilian and military personnel.  The directorate provides oversight of FM deployment, development, and contingency training. It maintains strategic communications to include the development, production, distribution, marketing, and maintenance on behalf of the enterprise.  SAF/FME also maintains and administers robust platforms and products to include functional website advancement and sustainment, as well as the provision of professional development opportunities, system accesses and licenses to support a collaborative and engaged FM workforce to carry FM into the future.  Additionally, SAF/FME develops, maintains, and supports the DAF FM Strategic Plan, and subsequent workforce/ Human Capital initiatives including goal and objective tracking and reporting.  It provides Strategic communication and briefings to the Executive board of directors and other strategic level engagements with DoD/FM entities. To do this, SAF/FM must remain agile and fully capable of effective and efficient engagement on workforce management, development, education, human capital management as well as strategic planning for the functional enterprise.


2.0 TASK

2.1 Program Management

The contractor shall provide program management to integrate, coordinate, and manage activities needed to deliver the services required by this contract. The contractor shall establish clear organizational lines of authority and responsibility to ensure effective management of the resources assigned to this effort. The contractor shall identify a Program Manager (PM) to make work assignments, manage the efforts of contractor personnel, and to act as the single point of contact between contractor personnel assigned to support this effort and the Government.

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