Air Force RFI: Purchase Request Process System (PRPS)

Notice ID: FA8100-24-PRPS

AFSC/LZRB has an ongoing requirement for information technology (IT)/systems technical and functional sustainment support for Purchase Request Process System (PRPS).  PRPS is used by approximately 3,000 users across the Air Force (AF) to request procurement actions for weapons systems spare buy and repair requirements.  PRPS routes requirements through applicable logistics functions, obtains funds certifications from the finance system, forwards requirements to the contracting system for award and collects award data from contracting to close the Purchase Instrument (PI) process loop.

The purpose of this effort is to secure functional SME support for PRPS sustainment operations. PRPS is a Government-Off-the-Shelf (GOTS) application used to request procurement actions to sustain the weapons systems spare pipeline. The data is used by Contracting Officers (CO) to solicit bids and award contracts for weapon systems spare buys and repairs. A lapse or degradation of sustainment and production support and training can extend the administrative lead time needed to procure spare buys and repairs and delay delivery of $2B in crucial parts to the Warfighter.

PRPS provides approximately 3,000 Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) Supply Chain Managers (SCM) assigned to AFSC a business tool to automate the requirement definition, item screening, and PI development process and then pass CO actionable PI packages with the required funding data and certifications, and all applicable logistics and engineering data needed to execute spares buy and repair procurement actions. AFMC completed deploying PRPS to AFSC and mandated use in November 2012. AFSC uses budget authority to ensure a smooth spares supply chain pipeline flow to sustain Department of Defense (DoD) weapons systems that the AF is assigned sustainment responsibility…

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