Notice ID:  FA8772-24-R-0001

The HNI Enterprise IT & Cyber Infrastructure Division is comprised of 750 airmen, contractors, and civilians.  It is composed of multiple branches whose portfolios heavily rely on each other from a technology convergence, strategy, or delivery perspective.  The projects within the branches are tightly coupled within the Division.  The purpose of this RFI is to explore, analyze, understand and adapt the current use and management of personnel resources within HNI to assist the Upper and Lower Senior Material Leaders (USML/LSML) with defining the most efficient and effective support to HNI’s current and future portfolio requirements and priorities.

To achieve this objective, it is expected that the Contractor shall use their proven workforce planning and organizational assessment approaches, in addition to available industry best practices data, to identify workforce and organizational design improvement opportunities for HNI to meet their current and anticipated future requirements.

  • Workforce Planning & Organizational Assessment. The Contractor will develop a workforce plan deliverable based on the identification of strategic objectives, current state analysis, future state forecasting, and gap/risk analyses.  Additionally, the Contractor will produce an organizational design deliverable based on a comprehensive review of the current HNI structure, processes, and performance, defined objectives and KPIs, and future state assessment. These deliverables will be based on but not limited to, program phase, complexity, dollar value, stakeholders, future work, industry benchmarks and other criteria the Contractor may deem appropriate.
  • Resource Planning Tool. a Microsoft Power BI-enabled resource planning tool to facilitate the resource planning and management process now and for future iterations of their planning process.  This deliverable will be based on the criteria defined herein, and other criteria the Contractor may deem appropriate.

In accomplishing the scope of the effort contemplated herein, the Contractor shall meet the following requirements:

  • Provide a qualified team that has relevant experience with enterprise information technology (IT) and cyber infrastructure entities and their human resources and organizations.
  • Provide a qualified team with the expertise to collaborate with program managers and other personnel within HNI to gather the required data necessary for assessing the “as is” workforce and defining and modeling the future state workforce and the optimal state of HNI’s organizational structure.
  • Be well-versed in program management, workforce planning, organizational design, process mapping, and other criteria the Contractor may deem appropriate.
  • Be proficient in the practice of resource management modeling and the use of analytical tools and program management software.
  • Have the requisite experience in supporting comprehensive workforce and organizational optimization analyses to map personnel utilization, organization design and structure, etc., in addition to the development of reorganization plans with executable plans of action and milestones.

White Paper Request: The Contractor shall, at a minimum, include the following content in their White Paper (up to 8 pages or less) in response to this RFI:

  • An overview of Contractor’s understanding of the Study.
  • A description of Contractor’s proven expertise in workforce transformation and organizational assessment and design.
  • A description of Contractor’s approach for definition, execution and management of the Study.

A detailed and linked project schedule that includes, at a minimum, the following major elements of scope and all intended sub elements/tasks to be …

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