Notice ID: FA8100-24-CAE
The purpose of this RFI is for the AFSC/LG organization to gather information about the market interest and capability to provide the Air Force with administrative and logistical services characterized as follows: program management, integration, information technology, sustainment, maintenance support, logistics, acquisition, requirements analysis, data analytics, data management, risk management, architecture design, operations research, technical documentation, financial management/comptroller, materiel management, information systems, and administrative support within the AFSC/LG.
Scope. This effort is to provide administrative and logistical services characterized as follows: program management, integration, information technology, sustainment, maintenance support, logistics, acquisition, requirements analysis, data analytics, data management, risk management, architecture design, operations research, technical documentation, financial management/comptroller, materiel management, information systems, and administrative support within the AFSC/LG. This is a follow-on requirement.
AFSC/LZ is conducting an RFI for potential companies who are interested in providing seventeen (17) full-time Contractor employees providing 1,872 hours each, per each PoP (Reference Performance Work Statement (PWS) paragraphs 1.2, Schedule, and, Shared Work Center Space.
The anticipated contract type is Firm Fixed Price (FFP) for services, with a base and four 1-year options. The proposed North American Industry Classification (NAICS) Code is 541611 which has a corresponding Size Standard of $24.5M.
This is a follow-on contract to task order FA8222-19-F-5006 under GSA OASIS contract GS00Q14OADS335. This effort is intended to be awarded under the GSA OASIS contract.
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