“The Air Force is still deciding what approach it wants to take as it pursues a follow-on to the Cloud One commercial cloud service, although a request for proposal is expected to be published soon, according to the program executive officer.
The service launched its follow-on effort to Cloud One — known as Cloud One Next (C1N) — in November with the release of a request for information to inform the program. Feedback from the RFI prompted the Air Force to consider a three-contract modular approach for C1N as of February, although Maj. Gen. Anthony Genatempo, PEO for the Air Force’s command, control, communication, intelligence and networks portfolio, said officials are still working through the acquisition strategy.
“We’re still trying to iron out what exactly that model is going to look like, but I expect we’ll have an RFP released by the end of the summer, so probably the end of August,” Genetempo told DefenseScoop on Monday during a roundtable with reporters at Air Force Life Cycle Industry Days in Dayton, Ohio…”
Source: Air Force finalizing Cloud One follow-on acquisition strategy with RFP coming soon. By Mikayla Easley, DefenseScoop.
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