ACF RFI: Support for Analytic Capacity of National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) Data

Notice ID: RFI-SACNSECE-2025

The goals and objectives of this project will be achieved through the completion of key tasks in Services Component 1 and any Optional Services Components exercised during the period of performance of the contract. Key tasks include:

  • Create restricted-use data files for archiving and for use by researchers and analysts in the field of childcare and early education and related disciplines (e.g., economics, demography, sociology, psychology);
  • Develop a user-friendly process for requesting and accessing restricted-use data, while upholding the confidentiality of the NSECE samples and ensuring non-disclosure of study participants.
  • Conduct analyses of NSECE data to develop analytic files for approved users of restricted-use files, in order to protect against non-disclosure of NSECE study participants while facilitating the use of the NSECE data to answer key questions of interest to the field and the Agency.
  • Consult with the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR), other Agency staff, and expert social scientists and analysts to identify technical and training resources that will facilitate use of NSECE data.
  • Provide prompt and responsive technical assistance to approved users of the NSECE data.
  • Conduct secondary analyses of NSECE (2012; 2019 and COVID Follow up; 2024 and special studies) approved by the COR to respond to the data needs of the Agency in their management of ACF programs, and produce documents (tables; graphs; internal memos; short briefs) to share findings from those analyses, as requested by the COR.
  • Disseminate materials and resources produced under this task order contract to promote the use of the NSECE data and highlight the contributions of these data to our understanding of the childcare and early education systems in the United States;
  • Hold all data produced by the NSECE project from all cohorts under an environment that protects PII from study participants and deliver all data to OPRE when requested, to be deposited in a data repository managed by the Agency.

The period of performance (PoP) of this task order is 60 months from the date of award.

Read more here.


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