After much REFLECTION, I’ve come to a DIFFICULT DECISION to FIRE myself as COO at ALPHA OMEGA.

ZERO TO A BILLION IN 14 YEARS to move past being a mere aspiration requires some difficult decisions.

Some of the PEOPLE that got you here, may not be the RIGHT PEOPLE to GET YOU where you want to GO.  The RESTRUCTURE of OUR Leadership Team that started in March 2022, is NOW COMPLETE.

One of the best things I can do for Alpha Omega is to get the right people on the bus in the right seats.  On September 1, I transitioned the COO and Integrator role to Mike Deutsch, our current CGO. Under his leadership, Alpha Omega will eclipse previous successes and meet the challenges of tomorrow.  Also, moving into a COO role is Mahe Rangareddy, Omega’s inaugural CTO and co-founder. Mahe is taking his talents to Alesig Consulting, Alpha Omega’s U.S. Small Business Administration-approved Mentor Protegee, serving as their COO.  He is a man who embodies the essence of mentorship; Alesig will no doubt benefit immensely from the ongoing, close access to Mahe’s expertise.

Now, as I relinquish my COO duties- effectively vacating this seat on the bus- and say goodbye to my dear friend and business partner, Mahe, I know this was the RIGHT DECISION.

I will continue as the CEO and President of Alpha Omega and in my Visionary role, I will continue to lead the strategic long-term direction of the company now and well into our prosperous future.

Please join me in congratulating Mike Deutsch & Mahe Rangareddy as they begin this new and exciting chapter in their careers!

See the post here.

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