US Army RFP: Personnel Enterprise Decision Support System (PEDSS)

This requirement was posted to GSA eBuy – RFQ1745134

Objectives. For this procurement, G-1’s objective is to acquire maintenance system support that will allow it to continue to operate the PAM system effectively

1. General: This is a non-personal services contract to provide information technology (IT) system support to the Army Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), G-1 organization. The Government shall not exercise any supervision or control over the contract service providers performing the services herein. Such contract service providers shall be accountable solely to the Contractor who, in turn is responsible to the Government.
1.1 Description of Services/Introduction. The Command and Analysis Branch, Military Personnel Structure and Plans Division located within G-1 has a requirement for IT system support services for the Personnel Enterprise Decision Support System (PEDSS), also known as Personnel Authorization Module (PAM). The contractor shall provide all personnel, supervision, and other items necessary to perform the non-personal services as defined in this Performance Work Statement (PWS) except for those items specified as government furnished property, equipment, materials, and services in PART 3. The contractor shall perform to the standards in this contract.
1.2 Background. The G-1 is required to plan, program, assign, and budget for personnel strength of the Army. To do this, the G-1 must have ready access to current and future personnel requirements measured against the existing force. Information such as personnel force structure, manpower, and demographics capabilities are key elements in G-1 planning and programming. Additionally, the Army requires a database of record to document Military Occupational Specialties, Areas of Concentration, Special Qualification Identifiers, Additional Skill Identifiers and Project Development Skill Identifiers. The G-1 maintains and utilizes these data elements in systems under the PAM.
The PAM system includes the following four (4) applications:
− Personnel Authorizations Module (PAM). The PAM system is a web-based system that resides within Acquisition, Logistics and Technology Enterprise Systems and Services (ALTESS) and belongs to the Army G-1. The is data center located at Radford VA. PAM provides the Army a single source document of active-duty military manpower authorizations and the Army Database of Record for all specifications for Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) and additional skill identifiers for the Army personnel systems.
− Authorizations Module. Under PAM’s current design, there is a Customer Information Control System (CICS) module on the mainframe that allows Personnel System Staff Officers (PERSSOs) within G-1 Plans and Structure Division (functional proponent) interactively input changes to the working Correctable Authorizations Database (CAUDB). This interactive system is the PERSSOs primary editing tool and is the first component of PAM. PERSSO inputs come from several different source files. Changes entered by PERSSOs are validated in near real time against the Personnel Occupational Skill Classification Edit System (POSCEDIT) that is maintained as part of the interactive portion of PAM. The primary production document produced from this system is the Personnel Management Authorization Document (PMAD). The PMAD is the sole source personnel authorization document for the Active Army that is constrained by law, budget, and policy. It is a primary input used by G-1 in determining budget, accessions, training, assignments, reclassification, and separation policies. Other production documents include Updated Authorization Document (UAD) and Notional Force (NOF).
− Fixed Module. Under PAM’s current design, there is a web-based interface that allows any Army force structure or personnel action officers to view the personnel authorizations and on-hand strength of the force. PAM’s Web version is the third component of PAM and provides an executive Decision Support Information System information that graphically portrays user selected authorizations and on-hand information in a single view. Serving a broad cross section of the personnel community including Training and Doctrine Command proponents, Command Resources Command, and Major Command action officers, PAM’s Web version provides a user-friendly flexible web enabled tool to efficiently accomplish their missions. PAM Web’s version provides a broad cross section of requirement and authorization documents across all three components that the user may select for analysis. It also provides selected on-hand data matched to authorization documents providing on-hand Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), grade, Additional Skill Identifier (ASI), gender, and ethnicity information. PAM’s Web version is the primary source for action officers to query authorization and on-hand data from anywhere web access is available.
− Personnel Occupational Specialty Code Edit (POSCEDIT) Module. Under PAM’s current design, POSCEDIT is the Army’s Database of Record for Personnel Occupational Specialty Code (POSC) data and is used by documenters worldwide to prepare documents with approved MOS/Grade, ASI, and Skill Identification Identifier (SQI) detail. POSCEDIT is the fourth component of PAM and is a system for the maintenance of MOS/Grade, ASI, and SQI detail. Current, future, and historical values are maintained. POSCEDIT data is used to document unit personnel structures for Tables of Organizational Equipment (TOE), Modified Tables of Organizational Equipment (MTOE) and Tables of Distribution and Allowances (TDA).
G-1 is currently working towards streamlining the applications from four (4) to two (2), leaving just the PAM and POSCEDIT modules to be operational. Ultimately, G-1 plans on completely retiring the system in FY30.


Solicitation W9124D25Q0046.

Contact Clarence Jones Department of the Army U.S. Army, Army Materiel Command 502-684-4150


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