Notice ID: W912DY24R0001
Related Notice: W912DY-R-24-0001
*Responses to this solicitation must be submitted through the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) System*
The primary purpose of this contract is to operate, enhance, and sustain the Army’s centralized MDMS to accomplish the primary mission of
(1) delivering dependable meter data; (
2) use industry standards to normalize data and establish facility energy consumption relative to other facilities.
(3) provide tools in an easy-to-use interface to enable facility and energy program managers to identify and confirm opportunities for energy reduction; (
4) support continual advancement and optimization in capabilities and technologies.
(5) keep the system in accordance with applicable laws, policies, executive orders, regulations, instructions, and guidance; and
(6) continually use system engineering techniques to reduce system sustainment cost, scalability, and complexity. Additional secondary objectives based on studies, white papers, or expert recommendations are
(7) provide planning, cost and execution strategy to transition from DISA to a Commercial Cloud-Based Hosting solution.
(8) provide planning, cost and execution strategy to fully implement a COTS software solution that would reduce cost to the government.
(9) provide strategy to simplify current architecture; and
(10) provide planning, cost and execution strategy to introduce and fully implement an Artificial Intelligence software solution that would improve operations, simplify administration, and reduce cost to the government.
Contract Type: Firm-Fixed Price (FFP), Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC), Single Award Task Order Contract (SATOC). It is anticipated under the contract, performance based FFP task orders will be awarded …
Contract will be for a one-year base ordering period with four, one-year option periods for a total of five years.
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