Awardee Name: WESTAT, INC. Unique Entity ID: NVUWAFWQ57S5 Total Contract Value: $260,536,705.00 Action Obligation: $4,379,583.32 Department Name: EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF Description: this award is for national assessment of educational progress data collection. Number of Bidders: 2 Award ID: 91990025C0008 RFP ID: 91990024R0009 Start Date: 2024-12-06 Ultimate Completion Date: 2029-12-05 Awardee Name: WESTAT, INC. Unique Entity…

Notice ID: W56KGY25-CENTAUR This notice is for informational and planning purposes only and is a market research tool to determine the availability and adequacy of potential business sources currently available for the award of an IDIQ contract. This Sources Sought Notice seeks viable and proven approaches for services and maintenance/sustainment of the Cross Domain Enterprise…

Notice ID: HDTRA124R0057 In accordance with FAR 5.204, this announcement constitutes the pre-solicitation/synopsis notice required in advance of the formal solicitation to procure Advisory and Assistance Services (AAS) for the Strategic Integration (SI) Directorate of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Additional details and attachments will accompany the formal solicitation to be released by December…