Notice ID: 28321325RI0000015 This opportunity is available on FedConnect. The Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance, and Management (DCBFM), Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Facilities & Logistics Management (OFLM) in Baltimore, Maryland is responsible for Social Security Administration’s (SSA or agency) Sustainability Program. SSA seeks consultant services to provide support for the agency’s sustainability…
Notice ID: FA301625R0005 502d Contracting Squadron (502CONS)/JBKCB, JBSA-Randolph TX is providing a notice of intent to issue a solicitation/Request for Proposal (RFP) for HQ AETC IT Support service which is an ongoing requirement requiring continuation. The Contractor shall provide non-personal services and provide timely, proactive, high-quality information technology (IT) support to each HQ AETC unit/directorate listed…
Notice ID: RFP-ACT-SACT-25-03 Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT) has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for initiation and research of an emerging NATO concept. The Allied Command Transformation, Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate, Concept Development Branch is tasked with developing strategic concepts. This RFP relates to a single concept development effort and requires…
File B-422790, B-422790.2, B-422790.3, B-422790.4 Digest Protest challenging agency’s technical evaluation is denied where the agency evaluated the quotations in accordance with the terms of the solicitation. Discussion H2K raises various challenges to CBP’s evaluation under the technical approach factor. The protester contends that the agency’s evaluation of its staffing plan was unreasonable and reflects…
Notice ID: 75N95025Q00073 The Government is realigning its commercial cloud service requirements to better meet its requirements using preexisting contract vehicles (e.g. the NIH STRIDES program) as well as direct acquisitions. Contractor shall provide cloud account management services to support transfer of cloud accounts as directed by the Government. For each cloud account listed in…
Notice ID: 75N95025R00072 The Government has determined that it has a bona fide need to hold the licenses for certain COTS software originally provided via contractor support. Technical Requirements Contractor shall provide software management services to support transfer of COTS software licenses or subscriptions to Government control to enable the Government to continue use of…
Awardee Name: ACCENTURE FEDERAL SERVICES LLC Unique Entity ID: C47BNA8GM833 Total Contract Value: $2,605,202.00 Action Obligation: $1,385,320.36 Department Name: TREASURY, DEPARTMENT OF THE Funding Agency: INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Funding Office: COMMISSIONER Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID: 2032H825F00015 Referenced IDV ID: 2032H822A00003 Contract Vehicle: Non-IT Program Management support services BPA RFP ID: RFQ5000201091 NAICS: 541512…
Notice ID: BAANIOSHCDC2025 **SOLICITATION ID: When the Solicitation is published, it will be under 75D301-25-R-00072** The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) intends to issue a Fiscal Year 2025 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Applied Research in reference to the Development and Demonstration of Mine Safety and Health Technology. This pre-solicitation notice is intended for…
Awardee Name: ACCENTURE FEDERAL SERVICES LLC Unique Entity ID: C47BNA8GM833 Total Contract Value: $22,428,632.62 Action Obligation: $3,911,362.35 Department Name: COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Description: IT services in support of development, modernization, enhancement and operations and maintenance for enterprise search product components. Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID: 1333BJ25F00280001 Referenced…
Notice ID: iP3_001 The GSA iP3 group is conducting market research on a concept that could involve the establishment of a multiple award IDIQ contract program to support existing and future requirements using the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/ Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase III authority. The program is currently named iP3 (Innovation in…