Awardee Name: ANEESH TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Unique Entity ID: FHQQANDKWKE8 Total Contract Value: $4,499,956.32 Action Obligation: $3,695,300.69 Department Name: HOMELAND SECURITY, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION Funding Office: OFFICE OF INFO AND TECH (CIO) Description: the purpose of this order is to provide cspd with a limited production modernization environment platform. the…

Awardee Name: BEVERA SOLUTIONS LLC Unique Entity ID: DCK7GMHME1A4 Total Contract Value: $4,583,157.04 Action Obligation: $2,799,048.85 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION Funding Office: CDC OFFICE OF ACQUISITION SERVICES Description: essentials for equity innnovative modeling and policy analysis interactive tools Number of Bidders: 1 Award…

A strategic win for this trusted Federal Government partner providing modern, practical, and leading edge IT solutions. Awardee Name: VERTICAL APPLICATIONS, INC. Unique Entity ID: FACWPKMBC8A3 Total Contract Value: $6,498,803.64 Action Obligation: $1,843,190.04 Department Name: AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: FOREST SERVICE Funding Office: USDA FS WO AQM IT SUPPORT BRANCH Description: usda/ocio/disc intelligent automation…

Awardee Name: INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS LLC Unique Entity ID: YE3TLVX97885 Total Contract Value: $6,305,500.75 Action Obligation: $493,375.79 Department Name: VETERANS AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF Description: The VA OIT OSS SPL is in need of independent verification and validation (IV&V) for software testing services Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID: 36C10B24F0427 Referenced IDV ID: 47QTCA23D00EB Contract Vehicle: GSA…

Awardee Name: EXCELLA, INC. Unique Entity ID: KMKUAFKECJ83 Total Contract Value: $4,596,777.60 Action Obligation: $786,072.00 Department Name: OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Funding Agency: OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Funding Office: OFC OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFCR Description: hr insights data platform development services Number of Bidders: 4 Award ID: 24322624F0232 Referenced IDV ID: 24322623A0010 Contract Vehicle:…

Awardee Name: PULSEBYTE LLC Unique Entity ID: C93EVVVAS9S9 Total Contract Value: $5,499,093.60 Action Obligation: $1,024,194.60 Department Name: AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: USDA, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Funding Office: USDA, OCP-POD-ACQ-MGMT-BRANCH-FTC Description: sp2 sgd infosec support hstxxx0000002155 b3df2a Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID: 12314424F0612 Referenced IDV ID: 12314424G0043 Contract Vehicle: STRATUS BASIC…

Awardee Name: ALPHIDENT TECHNOLOGIES INC Unique Entity ID: VJK3GJP55K71 Total Contract Value: $5,286,571.44 Action Obligation: $1,026,067.07 Department Name: HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION Funding Office: CDC OFFICE OF ACQUISITION SERVICES Description: dop administrative support services Number of Bidders: 28 Award ID: 75D30124F20283 Referenced IDV ID: 47QTCA20D00CD…

Awardee Name: CONNEXUS HUB INC. Unique Entity ID: ERNADKWP7R25 Total Contract Value: $4,973,109.56 Action Obligation: $936,707.92 Department Name: TREASURY, DEPARTMENT OF THE Funding Agency: INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Funding Office: CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Description: imf pmo financial management, project, and share point support services Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID: 2032H824F00145 Referenced IDV ID: GS00F205GA Contract…

By Stephen Delahunty, CEO/Founder, Arcetyp LLC Bidders that do not respond and extend proposal validity period by posting a letter in the GSA OASIS+ Symphony Portal (OSP) will not be eligible for award if the award is made after the current proposal expiration date (October 19, 2024). This applies to all bidder socio-economic types: Small…

Awardee Name: QUASARS INCORPORATED Unique Entity ID: S5XLBEKB7161 Total Contract Value: $19,919,894.58 Action Obligation: $8,994,681.55 Department Name: HOMELAND SECURITY, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: CYBERSECURITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY AGENCY Funding Office: OFF OF THE DIR CISA Description: provide support services to integrated operations division Number of Bidders: 3 Award ID: 70RCSJ24FR0000075 Referenced IDV ID: HHSN316201200166W Contract…