Awardee Name: IERUS TECHNOLOGIES INC Unique Entity ID: H1ZRXJKFZ4K7 Total Contract Value: $43,080,760.24 Action Obligation: $0.00 Department Name: DEPT OF DEFENSE Funding Agency: DEPT OF THE NAVY Funding Office: OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH Description: small business innovative research phase three – integrated combat systems automated resource sharing Number of Bidders: 1 Award ID: 47QFSA24D0002 RFP…

Awardee Name: ABBA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Unique Entity ID: J84GXV5ZKJK9 Total Contract Value: $1,185,026.76 Action Obligation: $1,185,026.76 Department Name: JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Funding Office: DIVISION 0100 Description: smartbear Number of Bidders: 12 Award ID: 15F06724F0000923 Referenced IDV ID: NNG15SD59B Contract Vehicle: NASA SEWP More here.

International Business Machines Corp., IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California, has been awarded a $48,193,724 cost reimbursement contract for North Pole Hub hardware and software. This contract provides for the study, design, develop, implementation, integration, documentation and delivery of the software and hardware that makes up the North Pole Hub architecture for test and…

Management Science and Innovation (MSI) is thrilled to announce the appointment of Sean C. Braziel as its new Vice President for Corporate Growth. With a distinguished career spanning the public and private sectors, Braziel brings unparalleled expertise to MSI’s leadership team. Braziel is recognized globally for his expertise in building high-performance teams and spearheading strategic…

Awardee Name: KEN CONSULTING INC Unique Entity ID: HAQVLR5ZA8K6 Total Contract Value: $4,199,856.40 Action Obligation: $426,125.24 Department Name: EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Agency: EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF Funding Office: OFC OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDU Description: office of well-rounded education grant review competitions support services Number of Bidders: 1 Award ID: 91990024C0028 RFP ID: 91990024Q0027 Set…

The contractor shall be responsible, primarily, for the operation, management, and upgrade of a website, based on an existing system that houses resources for Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood (HMRF) grantees and information related to grantees funded by the Office of Family Assistance. The contractor shall be responsible, primarily, for the operation, management, and upgrade…

Business Management Associates, Inc. (BMA), a leader in human capital management and technology solutions for the federal government, is pleased to announce the appointment of John Smith as its new Senior Vice President of Operations. This strategic hire marks a significant step in BMA’s commitment to enhancing operational excellence and driving innovative solutions in the…