Seeking GovCon firms for upcoming RFQ/RFPs – Ask Clementine, the OS AI BOT – FY 2022

Does your agency need a viable 8(a) woman-owned small business that can bid on an upcoming RFQ under a specific NAICS? Or maybe a HUBZone Cybersecurity specialist who can Prime a bid on a target GWAC?

No matter the details, the Orange Slices AI BOT (aka Clementine) has got you covered. This free data tool was built to help Federal contracting, acquisition, and OSDBU leaders drive increased competition by enabling them to easily find and connect with top companies who are in a position to bid and deliver on your agency’s upcoming Federal IT and Consulting requirements. OS AI BOT is an unbiased advanced data and machine-learning driven platform that mashes together and makes sense of publicly available Federal GovCon data (FPDS, SAM, GSA, USA Spending, etc), as well as more than two dozen authoritative GovCon data and content streams.

Click below to view a few of the recent Requests/Answers


Try this free tool today: Share details about an upcoming RFP/RFQ, receive a quick response, and invite firms to bid directly from the platform … as an additional bonus, Clem has a good sense of humor too (for a BOT, that is).

Submitted Research Request | July 15, 2022 


Seeking National Park Service Data Management Services Partner Options 

Funding Agency: Department of the Interior / National Park Service (NPS) 

Scope: “We are responding to an RFI out on IT-70 and are seeking” potential partner options that have past experience providing “Data Management Services for NISC systems and processes, including data governance analysis, data engineering, database administration, and data system integration” … Small Business “is preferred, but we are open to large business”  

NAICS: 54151 Series 

Clementine’s Answer for National Park Service (NPS) Data Management Services Partner Options 

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime): 

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.   


Submitted Research Request | June 28, 2022 


Seeking established Data Strategy/Data Management and Modernization Partner Options for bid at DOJ  

The Request: We are a small business looking to “add an established partner for an active bid at the Department of Justice. Expertise required includes an understanding of best practices around governance and data management, development of business-driven enterprise data strategies, and existing relationships/past performance at the Department of Justice. Activities supported under this project will include establishing data standards, while defining business processes and gathering business requirements for a future toolset procurement.” 

NAICS: 54151X, 541611  

Clementine’s Answer for Data Strategy/Data Management Partner Options for bid at DOJ 

Included below are the top scoring companies that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided: 

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.   


Submitted Research Request | June 27, 2022 


Seeking Emerging DHS Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 8(a) STARS III Prime Partner options 

Funding Agency: Department of Homeland Security 

Scope: Here we answer the recent request from a major large business Prime player at the Department of Homeland Security who is seeking emerging “8(a) STARS III Primes who have [key relationships or direct past performance] as a Prime or subcontractor in support of IT and business activities at FEMA. The focus is on near term opportunity specific partnering, as well as potential Mentor Protégé or JV candidates who can support bids across DHS. Current JVs were excluded from these results.  

Clementine’s Answer for Emerging DHS FEMA STARS III Prime Options  

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided:

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added to this list. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.   


Submitted Research Request | June 20, 2022 


Seeking partners with EPA OCIO Information Security/ IT System Security Staff (ITSSS) experience 

Funding Agency: US Environmental Protection Agency / Office of Mission Support (OMS) 

Scope: Here we answer the recent request to share a list of potential partner options that have “key relationships and experience working with EPA OMS and/or experience supporting the OMS IT System Security Staff (ITSSS), which is responsible for information assurance and security governance by implementing EPA’s policies and procedures to ensure system authorization is accomplished through the Agency’s accreditation and certification process.” An RFI was recently posted to eBuy detailing this requirement to “directly support IT System Security Staff (ITSSS) and to be responsible for maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability of on-premises, hybrid & cloud information systems.” 

Related Contract Actions 

July 2021 Award/Termination for Convenience of $49M Information Security and Privacy Services contract 

Clementine’s Answer for EPA OCIO Information Security/ IT System Security Staff (ITSSS) experience 

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided:

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added to this list.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.   


Submitted Research Request | June 24, 2022 


Seeking Department of State Data Analytics Partners 

Scope: Here we answer the recent request to share a list of “companies who have [strategic relationships] and/or direct past performance as a Prime or key subcontractor in support of the Department of State. We are pulling together a small team to support an upcoming bid.” 

NAICS: 54151*/541611 

Clementine’s Answer for Department of State Data Analytics Partners 

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. 

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added to this list.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.   


Submitted Research Request | June 19, 2022 


Seeking SDVOSB firms with VA Financial Services Center (FSC) expertise 

Funding Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) 

Scope: Here we answer the recent request to share a list of ‘IT-savvy’ Small Businesses (Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned (SDVOSB) “certified firms preferred) who have either strategic relationships or direct past performance as a Prime or key subcontractor in support of [FSC].” We are “hoping to add a few key subcontractors for an upcoming bid and they should qualify as a small business at the time of bid. Existing staff located in in Austin, Texas is a bonus. No existing JVs please” 

NAICS: 54151*/541611 

Clementine’s Answer for SDVOSB firms with VA Financial Services Center (FSC) expertise 

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. 

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added to this list.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.   


Submitted Research Request | June 19, 2022 




Seeking NIH Web Dev/Digital Communications expertise for upcoming IDIQ competition 

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) / National Institutes of Health (NIH) 

Scope: Here we answer the recent request to share a list of “potential [large or small business] partners that have experience providing Digital Communications and Web Development support to the National Institutes of Health. We are looking to bolster our team for the upcoming PICS III IDIQ.” 

Clementine’s Answer for Digital Communications/Web Dev capabilities and NIH past performance Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. 

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added to this list.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.   


Submitted Research Request | June 15, 2022




Seeking Firms with Bioinformatics Expertise and NIH past performance

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) / National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Scope: Here we answer the recent request to share a list of “potential large or small business partners that have experience providing Bioinformatics and Scientific Programming support services to the National Institutes of Health.” Prime experience is preferred.

NAICS: 54151X

Clementine’s Answer for Bioinformatics Expertise and NIH past performance

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided.

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added to this list.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.


Submitted Research Request | June 15, 2022


Seeking Emerging 8(a) IT consulting firms with significant past performance at CMS

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) / Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Scope: Here we answer the recent request to share a list of “emerging 8(a) IT consulting firms with significant relevant past performance at CMS. CCSQ, CCIIO, and CPI experience or relationships [are] preferred.” These will be “potential mentor protégé and/or JV candidates, so the desire is to identify companies less likely to size out soon “.

For this exercise, Orange Slices drew the line at companies who have, based on SBA’s receipts-based size standards, identified themselves as being under $16.5M in annual revenues over a five-year averaging period

NAICS: 54151X

Clementine’s Answer for Emerging 8(a) IT consulting firms with significant past performance at CMS

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided.

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added to this list.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.


Submitted Research Request | June 10, 2022


Seeking HHS/FDA SharePoint App Dev partner options

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) / Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Scope: Please share a “list of qualified large or small businesses that have a track record of implementing SharePoint and data management solutions at [FDA] to drive better decision-making by the agency”. Certification and experience “leading enterprise efforts that cut across the many Centers is preferred”.

NAICS: 54151 Series

Clementine’s Answer for HHS/FDA SharePoint App Dev partner options

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.


Submitted Research Request | June 3, 2022


Pre-Solicitation: CMS CCIIO MPMG Marketplace Operations Support (MOS)

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)/Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Scope: Please share a list of potential bidders that may be in a position to Prime or sub “on an upcoming RFP out of the Marketplace Plan Management Group (MPMG) within the Centers for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) seeking a contractor to support CCIIO operations related to the display, certification, and management of Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) offered through, to include continued technical, analytic, policy, and operational support for the evaluation, review, and maintenance of QHPs to be offered on the health insurance exchanges.“ As highlighted in “the June 1 forecast update, this RFP is expected out in late Q4 or early Q1 of FY 2023.”

NAICS: 541611

Related Contracts and information

Clementine’s Answer for CMS CCIIO MPMG Marketplace Operations Support (MOS)

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.


From DHS and CMS to VA and IRS, check out a list here of all the research requests, mostly related to open solicitations and RFIs, the Orange Slices team has been asked to work on this month. 

Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022


Submitted Research Request | May 30, 2022


Sources Sought: NIH OD Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) SMAS contract

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)/National Institutes of Health Office of the Director (OD)

Request: Please share a list of potential bidders, Prime or sub, that are good partner options to consider for this contract which ensures “the mechanisms are in place to support execution of Enterprise Level Strategies, Performance Oversight, and Operational Planning and Coordination across multiple functional areas, and to be responsible for the tactical planning of the administrative and operational objectives towards the accomplishment of OCIO strategic goals. The draft RFP and industry day announcement can be found here -” Click Link.

NAICS: 541519

Clementine’s Answer for NIH OD Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) SMAS contract

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.


From DHS and CMS to VA and IRS, check out a list here of all the research requests, mostly related to open solicitations and RFIs, the Orange Slices team has been asked to work on this month. 

Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022


Submitted Research Request | May 24, 2022


Sources Sought: CMS Enterprise Cybersecurity Awareness and Training Program Support (ECATPS)

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)/Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Scope: Please share a list of potential SDVOSB bidders that may be in a position to Prime on an upcoming RFP seeking “knowledge in Cybersecurity and Privacy Awareness and Training Program support, which is needed to consolidate existing ISPG training efforts and support the continuation of the program’s training activities of ISPG. Tasks and activities completed by the contractor will service ISPG, as well as ISPG’s OIT Group partners and customers.”

NAICS: 541519

Related Contracts

Contract Award: CMS Data Privacy Safeguard Program (DPSP)

Contract Award: $10M CMS Security and Privacy Agile Project Management Support

Clementine’s Answer for CMS Enterprise Cybersecurity Awareness and Training Program Support (ECATPS)

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided:

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.


From DHS and CMS to VA and IRS, check out a list here of all the research requests, mostly related to open solicitations and RFIs, the Orange Slices team has been asked to work on this month.

Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022


Submitted Research Request | May 23, 2022


Sources Sought: DHS FEMA Enterprise Data and Analytics Modernization Initiative (EDAMI) Program Office and Technical Assistance (POTA) Services

Funding Agency: Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency

Scope: Please share a list of potential “Prime and sub competitors in position to bid on or support this 5-year contract seeking professional services, expertise, and support in planning, development, integration, and implementation for current and future activities of the EDAMI Program Management Office (PMO). A primary focus will be on providing strategic and operational support to execute program mission and goals; Program planning; Program documentation; Business operations; Communication; Stakeholder management; and Process and procedures” The RFI is on eBuy right now.

NAICS: 518210C/541611

Related Contracts

Clementine’s Answer for FEMA EDAMI POTA Services

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.


Submitted Research Request | May 20, 2022


Seeking Data Science and Data Analytics capabilities at OPM

Funding Agency: Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

Scope: This request is for “large or small businesses who have direct experience providing data science and/or data analytics support services” to the US Office of Personnel Management. “Experience with AI/ML and an understanding of the Federal Data Strategy is a big plus.”

NAICS: 54151x/54161x

Clementine’s Answer for Data Science and Data Analytics capabilities at OPM

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.


Submitted Research Request | May 18, 2022


Funding Agency: Department of Justice / Federal Bureau of Investigation

Scope: We are prepping for a bid and need a list of “small business partner options who have direct experience helping to facilitate a more agile workforce and mindset, deliver digital services, enhance data capabilities, digital literacy/transformation, and keep the FBI ahead of the pace of technology.”

NAICS: 54151x

Clementine’s Answer for FBI Agile, Digital Services, and Data Science Partners

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Submitted Research Request | May 11, 2022


RFI: $73M GSA OGP IT Regulatory Management Systems Support BPA

Funding Agency: General Services Administration / Technology Transformation Services (TTS)

Scope: After a bit of a “delay due to some office realignment, GSA is now moving forward with the competition for this” single-award total small business set-aside ”BPA to provide IT support services for the ecosystem of regulatory management systems for the existing eRulemaking and Regulatory Information Service Center (RISC) suites of regulatory applications and support for their modern replacement.” This is expected to include O&M of the existing systems and “assisting TTS with their migration strategy and greenfield development of a more flexible suite of regulatory management systems.” Please share a list of potential partners who “might be good subcontractor options” on this opportunity. The draft was posted to eBuy and the RFP is expected out in early June. RFQ # 26918 and RFQ1558434

NAICS: 54151x

Clementine’s Answer for GSA OGP IT Regulatory Management Systems Support BPA

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Submitted Research Request | May 11, 2022


RFI: IRS IT Support for Graphic Database Interface (GDI)

Funding Agency: Department of Treasury/ Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Scope: “This was awarded the last time around on STARS II and the incumbent is no longer an 8(a). Can you share a list of 8(a) small businesses who are ‘known’ at IRS and can perform this work?” … GDI is an “Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) built by deploying several COTS products to deliver an enterprise-wide, web-based facilities information suite to improve planning and policy decisions. It provides facilities-related information to a wide cross-section of the IRS including executives, FMSS managers/employees, shared service partners, and business unit managers, as well as external stakeholders. All IRS employees and contractors have access to GDI.” The RFI is out on eBuy RFQ1557497

NAICS: 54151x

Related Contracts:

Operations and Maintenance of the Graphic Database Interface (GDI) Application

Clementine’s Answer for IRS IT Support for Graphic Database Interface (GDI)

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Submitted Research Request | May 11, 2022


RFI: EPA Information Technology Services Management (ITSM) Application support contract

Funding Agency: Environmental Protection Agency / Office of Information Technology Operations (OITO)

Scope: “This was competed last time around as full and open”. We are looking to understand who some other small business bidders might be for this contract “to operate and maintain OITO’s Service Tracking and Reporting (STAR) and Task Tracking Tool (T3) databases to provide contract management, operations management, and service management activities. Tasks will include PMO Support, Applications Support, Change Management.” The RFI was recently posted on ebuy RFQ1557419.

NAICS: 54151x/541611

Related Contracts:

$20M EPA Information Technology Services Management (ITSM) Application support contract award

Related Items:

SiloSmashers Environmental Protection Agency Case Study – IT Service Management Integration Support

Clementine’s Answer for EPA Information Technology Services Management (ITSM) Application support contract

We cannot speak to any potential OCI here. Included below are the top-scoring small business that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Submitted Research Request | May 10, 2022


Opportunity Name: VA Enterprise Learning Management Solution (ELMS) Support

Funding Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs/ Human Capital Services Center (HCSC)

Talent Development Solutions Directorate (TDS)

Scope: From an SDVOSB: This request is for any potential subcontractor teaming partners “… with experience implementing an Enterprise Learning Management Solution (LMS) in a Federal environment, preferably in support of enterprise-wide talent development and learning management activities.” This includes providing a range of services such as “project management, project management planning, enterprise architecture support, system design and implementation, O&M, 508 compliance, system hosting, system licensing, software maintenance, production support, system integration, application monitoring/program evaluation, transition planning, and data governance support.” VA experience preferred. SDVOSB preferred.

NAICS: 54151x/518210/511210

Related Contracts:

$34M VA Talent Management System (TMS) 2.0 access for licensed users and administrators technical and support services

Sources Sought: DD01–IN650, Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS) (VA-22-00056495)

Clementine’s Answer for VA Enterprise Learning Management Solution Support

Included below are the top scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Submitted Research Request | May 4, 2022


Opportunity Name: DHS Data Analytics/Machine Learning contract

Funding Agency: Department of Homeland Security/ US Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Scope: This request is for “… an 8(a) small business partner with relationships and expertise providing design, development, and data analytics support services for DHS – ICE is preferred. Direct past Federal experience anywhere in the use of unsupervised machine learning approaches and tools (e.g., Colab, PyTorch, Keras,TensorFlow, Rapid Miner) are a big plus”. No solicitation is live at this moment.

NAICS: 54151x

Clementine’s Answer for the DHS ICE Data Analytics/Machine Learning contract

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Related Items

Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022 – Department of Homeland Security

Submitted Research Request | May 2, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX: RFI: USDA Data Analysis and Process Automation support

Funding Agency: US Department of Agriculture / National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)

Scope: “… this is not big, but it is strategic and we would like to find a partner who might help us on this important opportunity to identify “relevant skills needed for the NIFA team, specifically for the new cadre of Data Analysts, and establishing a roadmap to close that skill gap and move towards an Agency standard for data analysis and improved process automation”. LSS, Agile program and project management, human-centered design (HCD), data fluency, and business process reengineering (BPR)” with past experience at USDA is preferred. The RFI was recently posted to SAM. Details Here

NAICS: 54161x, 611430

Clementine’s Answer for the USDA Data Analysis and Process Automation support

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Related Items

Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022 – US Department of Agriculture

Submitted Research Request | April 29, 2022


Enterprise Federal Web Content Management Systems (CMS) Dev Expertise 

Scope: “We are pulling together a team to bid on an enterprise Federal Web CMS migration and operations and maintenance contract. We are seeking partners who have expertise in supporting development, enhancements, and ongoing O&M support of a top level Gov Web Content Management System (CMS). Experience with Drupal 9.x and or Percussion expertise is preferred…”

NAICS: 54151x, 541611

Clementine’s Answer for Federal Web Content Management Systems (CMS)

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity or research request you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Submitted Research Request | April 27, 2022


Research Request: Seeking CDC Data Analytics and AI/ML Support Partners

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Scope: “… I am looking to get a comprehensive list of firms/potential partners that can bring established relationships as well as direct experience providing data/analytics/AI/ML support services and expertise to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at HQ, and across the many centers and offices. Atlanta presence is preferred …”

NAICS: 54151x, 541611

Clementine’s Answer for the CDC Data Analytics and AI/ML Support Partners request

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity or research request you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Related Items

Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022 – Department of Health and Human Services

Submitted Research Request | April 24, 2022 


Opportunity Name/RFX: RFI: FDA Document Archiving Reporting and Regulatory Tracking System (DARRTS) Development and IT Support / RFQ1553769

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) / Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Scope: “… We are Priming, but can you please send a list of companies who are likely to weigh a bid (Prime or sub) for this upcoming competition to provide Development and support for DARRTS, FDA’s record-keeping system for drug applications and a regulatory data analytics and visualization platform …” The RFI was recently posted to eBuy.  

Related Prior Contract Details: 

  • FDA DARRTS Bridge Contract to GDIT. Details Here.
  • Single award BPA to CSRA/GDIT for “IT services for the Food and Drug Administration’s document archiving, reporting, and regulatory tracking system (DARRTS) program.” Details Here

Related Documents

“… FDA’s Document Archiving Reporting and Regulatory Tracking System (DARRTS) had numerous shortcomings, including slow response times when searching, limited filtering capabilities, and being unable to handle typos. Information was archived and not available in DARRTS which required tracking down prior reviewers who may no longer be working in the same department and/or to request paper documents. A CR stated that “DARRTS is too difficult to identify team members” and instead relied on …” Source: A Contextual Inquiry: FDA Investigational New Drug Clinical Review, AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2021; 2021: 122–131. Published online 2021 May 17.  See the full post here.

NAICS: 54151x 

Clementine’s Answer for the FDA Document Archiving Reporting and Regulatory Tracking System (DARRTS)

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime): 

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.   

Related Items  

Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022 – Department of Health and Human Services 

Submitted Research Request | April 20, 2022 


Opportunity Name/RFX: IRS Engineering & Return Review Program Support / RFQ1552788 

Funding Agency: Department of the Treasury / Internal Revenue Service (IRS)  

Scope: Can Orange Slices provide a list of the top large or small partners to consider for this opportunity to provide support for the RRP system, which was designed to build on IRS capabilities to detect, resolve, and prevent criminal and civil non-compliance and identity theft, thereby reducing issuance of fraudulent tax refunds. The RFI was posted to eBuy this week.  

Related Prior Contract Details: 

NAICS: 541512/54151x 

Clementine’s Answer for the IRS Engineering & Return Review Program Support

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime): 

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.   

Related Items 

Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022 – Department of the Treasury 

Submitted Research Request | April 19, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX: DHS ICE Cybersecurity/Information Security Support Services

Funding Agency: Department of Homeland Security / U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Scope: We are seeking Small OR Large Business partners that are in position to Prime or support this bid. ICE’s CISO and the Information Assurance Division (IAD) “require support to develop, implement and maintain an innovative, efficient, and largely automated agency risk management program that leverages practices from Agile and SecDevOps methodologies and other industry methodologies. This shall be accomplished by providing direct Program Management Office (PMO) support, security risk assessors, risk management professionals, security engineers, and consultation services to the Agency Program as well as staffing ICE systems with Information Support Security Officers (ISSOs).” Link to the Sources Sought:

Related Prior Contract Details:

NAICS: 541512/54151x

Clementine’s Answer for the DHS ICE Cybersecurity Support Services

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Related Items

Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022 – Department of Homeland Security


Submitted Research Request | April 18, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX: HHS ACF OCIO IT Operations & Maintenance (O&M) support

Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Administration for Children and Families (ACF)

Scope: “… are seeking partners, any size is ok” …”who we can partner with us to win the recompete of this contract to enable” the Office of the CIO “to deliver IT services to over 25 mission applications including hosting services, service desk services, video conferencing services, software development, COTS customization services, asset management services, and incident, change, and solution delivery.” Here is the link to the Source Sought.

NAICS: 541512/54151x

Clementine’s Answer for the HHS ACF OCIO IT Operations & Maintenance (O&M) support requirement

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Related Items

Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022 – Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)



Submitted Research Request | April 14, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX: Treasury OIG Data Analytics Support Requirement

Funding Agency: Department of the Treasury / Office of Inspector General (OIG)

Scope: The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently posted an RFI on eBuy and we are looking to bolster our data analytics expertise and direct experience supporting work within this office or other OIG offices. We would like to Prime, but we are open to subbing if we can find the right partner. Suggestions are welcome.

NAICS: 54151x/541611

Clementine’s Answer for Treasury OIG Data Analytics Support Requirement

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options based on the information provided. (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Related Items

Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022 – Department of Treasury


Submitted Research Request | April 10, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX: $400M+ CDC Achieving Public Health Impact Through Research (APHIR) BPA Recompete / RFQ1551083

Funding Agency: HHS / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Scope: A pre-sol was issued late last year and an RFI is now posted on eBuy. We are looking for Prime bidders that are looking to add subcontractors for the recompete of the multiple-award APHIR BPA.

The scope of this BPA is to provide the CDC’s Centers, Institutes, and Offices with a contracting option that supports high-impact public health research. This includes a wide range of topics (e.g., cancer surveillance, HIV education, and evaluation of traumatic brain injury (TBI) prevention programs) and supports the achievement of diverse outcomes (e.g. practice and health service delivery improvement, capacity building, and contribution to the relevant BoK, etc.).

NAICS: 541611/541712

Clementine’s Answer for the Achieving Public Health Impact Through Research (APHIR) BPA Recompete

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as potential partner options (sub or Prime):

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Related Items

Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022 – Department of Health and Human Services

Submitted Research Request | April 5, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX: HHS HRSA Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) Management Information System Solution (BMISS)/RFQ1549568

Funding Agency: HHS / Health Resources and Services Administration

Scope: My company is looking to Prime this opportunity to provide continued DME and O&M for BMISS. Supporting the functionality of loan repayment and scholarship programs, sites, and schools, including the BMISS Intranet and the following portals: Applicant, Participant, Sites, and School. Supporting the functionality of shortage designation and HPSA processing. This includes the Primary Care Office (PCO) Portal that enables the transactions necessary between State PCO representatives and BHW Supporting functionality for the Health Workforce Connector (HWC). This includes the public-facing website for the recruitment of health care professionals interested in working in areas designated as shortage areas and HWC Portal. The RFI is out on eBuy. Details on the 112 Million IDIQ awarded in 2019 are on USAspending here.

NAICS: 54151X

Clementine’s Answer for HRSA Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) Management Information System Solution (BMISS)

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as partner options (Prime or sub), but first, a joke. “Why should you take a data scientist with you into the jungle? Answer: They can take care of Python problems”

Ok, here is the list:

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Related Items Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022  – Department of Health and Human Services



Submitted Research Request | April 4, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX:              CMS Website Data Discoverability & Stakeholder Engagement (WDDSE)/RFQ 221110

Funding Agency:                             HHS / Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Scope: The April CMS forecast is out. We have significant capabilities in required areas with other agencies, but we are looking for a partner (we are open to sub or Prime relationships) that can bring existing relationships within CMS and/or the Data Analytics office. The scope of this effort is to support the ongoing Office of Enterprise Data and Analytics (OEDA) efforts to leverage technological capacities and assess the current ways in which publicly available data is shared both internally within CMS, and externally to partners (e.g., providers, Accountable Care Organizations), and innovators (e.g. researchers and developers), liberating CMS data and empowering internal and external users.

NAICS: 541611/54151X

Clementine’s Answer for CMS Website Data Discoverability & Stakeholder Engagement (WDDSE)

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with as partner options (Prime or sub), but first, a joke. “There are 10 kinds of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don’t.” 

Ok, here is the list:

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice. Learn more about the Clementine and the Research Request Process at the top of this page.

Related Items Resource: Federal Agency Forecasts for fiscal year (FY) 2022  – Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services


Submitted Research Request | April 1, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX: EPA Information Management Program Support BPA/RFQ1549145

Funding Agency: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Scope: We are looking for a small business who will Prime this; 8(a) STARS III is preferable. The Office of Enterprise Information Programs (OEIP) requires Contractor support of the management, oversight, and execution of OMS’ and OEIP’s core information management, program implementation, program management, and digital transformation goals and needs. Current priorities include the continued implementation and management of the CUI Program, and the integration of Confidential Business Information (CBI) support services, and the integration of Section 508 accessibility and conformance support. The contractor shall support OMS and OEIP with the proper collection, use, release, and management of EPA information within OMS’ and OEIP’s portfolio of programs, projects, and initiatives such as but not limited to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), dockets, records management, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), Electronic Discovery (eDiscovery), National Library Network, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. This RFI is was released on eBuy.

NAICS: 541611/54151X

Clementine’s Answer for EPA Information Management Program Support

Included below are the top-scoring firms (under $30M in avg. annual revenue) that my algorithm came up with, but first, a Joke: “Why did the chicken cross the road? The answer is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader.”

Ok, here is the list:

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice.

Submitted Research Request | March 30, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX: $150M CDC Global Data and Technical Assistance Services (GDATA 2) BPA/ RFQ1548953

Funding Agency: HHS/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Scope: “We are looking to add teammates who can bolster our case” for one of these Prime awards (released on GSA eBuy). The final RFP is out for recompete and “we want to identify partners who bring experience providing technical assistance, scientific services, health data analytics, and other program activities to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Center for Global Health (CGH).

NAICS: 561110/541611/54151X

Clementine’s Answer for CDC Global Data and Technical Assistance Services (GDATA 2) BPA

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with, as a Prime or sub candidate, but first, a Joke: “Data science is 80% data preparation, 20% complaining about data preparation.”

Ok, here is the list:

Incumbent Primes


Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice.

Want more? Check out this sortable list of the top firms supporting CDC today – Click Here.

Resource: Find links to the latest FY 2022 Agency Opportunity Forecast Documents for HHS Here.

#Submitted Research Request | March 28, 2022


Opportunity Name/RFX: NIH CIT Professional and Administrative Support Services (PASS)/RFQ1547939

Funding Agency: HHS/National Institutes of Health

Scope: “The final RFQ was just released by NIH – any suggestions on small businesses with experience providing IT services to directly support the Center for Information Technology (CIT), in accomplishing Project Management, technical writing, financial analyst, application development, property, network security support, telecommunication, and administrative support.”

NAICS: 561110/541611/54151X

Clementine’s Answer for NIH CIT Professional and Administrative Support Services (PASS)

Included below are the top-scoring firms (under $30M in avg. annual revenue) that my algorithm came up with, but first, a Joke: “A SQL query walks into a bar, walks up to two tables, and asks “Can I join you?”” I am here all night, really all the time … 24/7.

Ok, here is the list:

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice.

Resource: Find links to the latest FY 2022 Agency Opportunity Forecast Documents for NIH Here

#Submitted Research Request | March 28, 2022

Opportunity Name/RFX #: CMS IPM Statistical and Analytic Support Contractor/RFQ1547318

Funding Agency: HHS/Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Scope: “We are looking to add partners who have experience at CMS that is relevant to the Lead Statistical and Analytic Support Contractor (LSASC) for the Medicare Part C Improper Payment Measure (IPM) requirement. The RFI was released on eBuy last week.”

Socio Status: Any Size                   NAICS: N/A

Clementine’s Answer for CMS LSASC for the Medicare Part C IPM

Included below are the top-scoring firms that my algorithm came up with, but first, a Data Scientist Joke: “There are two kinds of data scientists. 1.) Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.”

Ok, here is the list:

Did OS.aiBOT miss you? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added. Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – Clementine will only get better with feedback and practice.

Resource: Find links to the latest FY 2022 Agency Opportunity Forecast Documents for CMS Here

#Submitted Research Request | March 24, 2022

Opportunity Name/RFX #: VBA Solutions Delivery Center of Excellence/36C10B22Q0211

Funding Agency:                             Department of Veterans Affairs

Scope:                                               “Here is a link to the recent RFI”

Socio Status: SDVOSB                                   NAICS: N/A

Clementine’s Answer for VBA Solutions Delivery Center of Excellence, 36C10B22Q0211

Included below are the top-scoring SDVOSB firms that the OS AI BOT algorithm came up with (under $30M in avg. annual revenue), but first, a joke from Clem – “Did you hear that the guy who invented autocorrect for smartphones passed away today. Restaurant in peace.”

Ok, here is the list:

Other companies that will draw attention as a partner or competitor on this requirement, as Prime or sub, include:

Octo/ B3 Group | Millsapps, Ballinger & Associates (MBA) | Armavel | Deloitte | Acumen Solutions | AccentureCognosante | Peraton | IBM | Booz Allen Hamilton

Did OS.aiBOT miss your firm? If so, comment below or contact us here to be added.  Do you have an opportunity you would like us to run our algorithm against? Think our algorithm stinks? Let us know – the OS AI BOT will only get better with feedback and practice. While we are focused on supporting government, requests from industry are welcome!



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