Award details were posted showing another recent award by this rapidly emerging small business specializing in software development and maintenance, systems analysis, turnkey project implementations, data services (modeling, management and migration), project outsourcing services, and complete enterprise IT solutions.

Unique Entity ID: KKZ6VV15MBK7
Total Contract Value: $6,346,498.64
Action Obligation: $939,487.60
Department Name: DEPT OF DEFENSE
Number of Bidders: 9
Award ID: HT942524F0214
Referenced IDV ID: GS35F241CA
Contract Vehicle: GSA MAS
Set Aside Used: Small Business Set Aside – Total
NAICS: 541511
Award Type: Delivery Order
Start Date: 2024-08-01
Ultimate Completion Date: 2029-07-31

OS AI Note: For security reasons, DOD delays the release of award decision details for up to 90 days. Any DoD awards we post may have been announced publicly, formally or informally, but this award data has just recently been released. We capture and share DoD awards data here for your benefit, but do note that other actions related to any award announcement (stop work order, protest, cancellation, etc.) may have taken place since the initial award decision was recorded.


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